Tuesday 24 March 2015

Through Heather Scavetta 
For the Intuitive Healing Workshop
March 22, 1015

Remember Us for we have always been with you. We can make ourselves more known to you by your request to have Us come and share your experiences. Very little is said about Us. You may feel that there are many who have written books, magazines, and articles, about the world of Spirit, but trust Us, very little of them gets it correct.

You are never away from our thoughts, from our love. It cannot be a different way than this, for we are part of the healing of each other, it is true. And right now, many are focused on the healing of the planet. You can expand your healing practice by acknowledging Us, but also where your habitat is, for in this time you are to experience the physical form. This requires the biological diversity of the planet. As this starts to leave, your will find yourselves more restricted for there will be places upon the Earth where you can no longer go.

Do not worry, or be fearful. It is the natural progression of things, but you can take today and share your love freely with everyone, This is how we will increase the awareness of not only how you can heal, but everyone else. The healing of the planet is part and parcel of you and everyone else. But it is but a reflection of how we are doing as a society. There are many clues, there are many signposts, there are many junctures. Your choices will make a difference. Your choices will either bring Us close or move Us far away. In each moment is the potential for joy always. Celebrate the unity that you have experienced today, and have faith that this can be part of the future. We need to feel our connection to you, and we hope that in time, you will need Us also — for we are never that far that you cannot reach for Us.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Know All Aspects of the Self

Through Heather Scavetta
For the Channelling Development Class
February 24, 2015

There comes a time in your life when you must acknowledge yourself. Acknowledge who you are in every level, not just how you see yourself, but who you are. This knowledge comes about by understanding the self. This self is multidimensional -  multivibrational and can be understood by going within the self to go to those places that you are most unlikely to go to. You must have courage to look at those parts of the self that is difficult to see. You must know the entirety of who you are. This is part of your experience here now, but will also determine what experiences will come to you in the future time. 

If you are unsure of where you are going, then look at where you have avoided. 

If you do not have the courage to see yourself completely, then you will bring about conditions to allow that to happen. For it is the desire of the soul to know all. We can acknowledge the growth in others and encourage them to do the same. This will help you to see the path. What is it about each individual here that needs to be explored. Even though you are brought together as a group you are still individuals. 

(This energy steps back and another steps forward.)

You have asked for this information to come. Do not be surprised that it finally arrived, instead can you be honest with yourself. This is the only way. To deny the self is to deny God. You can succeed, but first there needs to be an awareness brought forth. Step out of your comfort zone. There is safety in numbers. You are not alone in this process, but no one can take those steps but yourself. And so here we are once again joined in a common endeavour to progress. Allow yourself the fullness of the opportunity presented. 

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Life's Purpose, Knowledge, Spirit Guides, Energy.

Through Heather Scavetta
For the Channelling Circle
February 17, 2015

Upon arrival we noticed each person and how your energy is. Each person carries within their energy field, the past, but also the future. You can access the past by acknowledging that you are everything, that knowledge is for everyone. Do not limit yourselves by thinking that you are different. This mistaken idea that you are different creates more of a separation from each other. This is counter-intuitive to the purpose of life. Life’s purpose is in the unification of energies - how energies counter-balance one another to bring about optimal expansion. You are part of this expansion because you are part of life.

We can help you understand this connection by sharing with you our knowledge, for you see, you need not learn from the beginning, instead you can ask for the learning of others to come forward for you. This is your birthright to bring the knowledge forward for the others have had their time here, now, and it is your wish to continue their legacy.

Do not diminish the voice, instead can you speak freely of what it is you wish to share. This knowledge is accessible in many vehicles. Within life itself, the framework works with like-minded energies. It is difficult to bridge the connection when there is a vast dissimilarity of energies, so when you come to the point when you allow your energy to rise then you will notice the energy that is most like yourself.

Do not limit yourself to this human expression, but instead embrace the experience to bring forth life in a new way. Even though, you are the voice of your ancestors, so too, you contribute a fresh perspective. This is how knowledge expands. 

You may ask a question.

Who are my spirit guides?

You are unsure of what energies are around you and so you ask. These energies are those who have gone before you and understand the process of individual life experiences. Unique to you, is the energy of water, and so, you will find water energies important to you. These water energies are born of the earth. The earth is an energy of water. You will find your energy optimal when you are close to water sources. This can include, but not limited to bodies of water, but also those structures that contain the molecules themselves (i.e. trees).

You may ask a different question.

I am reviewing writing channels that came from my son and others over the past years and I am feeling doubt which is troubling me greatly. Can you shine light on that.

Yes doubt is an energy of resistance. You must not resist your impulses. When you do, you stop the flow. These impulses can be born from misunderstandings about your purpose here, but also having reservations about the truth of the information. You can present this information truthfully by acknowledging your resistance to sharing. If you present the information in a way that lets the reader understand the motive, then you can release your concerns. You must release the expectations of the material and what it can or cannot do. Instead, can you release the data in a way that honours your journey. Let is be released to allow your release. For you are caught in a cycle of resistance. This serves no purpose. Release the information and you will understand why. You must not interpret the process with so much detail. Instead, let it go. This will create an opening within that will allow you to embrace a new project. Without the release of old energies, they will continue to cycle.

You may ask another question.

How can you be sure you are expanding your energy in the right direction.

The energy field, in and of itself, is one that is forever moving, contracting and expanding. To think that your field is always expanding is not truthful. You must embrace the process of letting your energy contract and expand as it will. Expansion of energies for example, life expansion, is different than personal expansion of your energy. If you contribute to life, then you are allowing the expansion of life to occur. There are some who do not contribute to life. Do not feel that you fall into that category, instead know that you are contributing and making a change, a ripple. Without you, there is a void. Honour your life and your purpose. 

Monday 2 February 2015


The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
For The Spirit Animal Workshop
February 1, 2015

We can show you much about reality in a way that will make sense to you now. In time, you will come to understand that there is more to reality. If you can, open your mind and accept that there is more than you can understand, then you are well on your way to knowledge and, therefore, wisdom.

Remember, that although there are clues to your existence in this realm, there are many factors at play for indeed you are born from a Source that is all-knowing, all-caring, all-understanding. And from this Source, there are potentials for everything to occur, because true love is freedom — freedom to choose to be, to have, to know, to understand. Do not limit yourselves to this earthy realm, for there are many potentials awaiting you now. You need not arrive at a point where you have put the pieces together, because your understanding is not coherent with what is happening now, for you still are under the belief that you must achieve, arrive, and be something other than your true self. 

So you can see very clearly the error of your ways and you can release this energy now. The animals come to show you who you are. Accept their qualities as your own. If you can, then you can too move into an energy that is always present. They do not worry or contemplate the future, instead they accept their life as it is now. You can too be of that energy where all is now. When you let go of the future, then you will walk in assurance that all is provided for you. When you accept the gifts that you have and share them freely, you will come to understand peace and joy — any resistance to such will bring you suffering. You need not suffer any longer. Peace is now.

Tuesday 27 January 2015


The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
For the Channelling Development Circle
March 20, 2014

You are searching, yes? You have many questions about reality, about your life, about where you are going, about what you need to do, and how you are going to do it. We can answer these questions, yes, but we are more interested in you discovering these aspects of the self and allowing them to come forward to be expressed, to be able to live in the moment, in gratitude for what has been given you is available to all and yet you will find that there are aspects of your life that feel different, that look different and you may think you have come to progress on your journey that is unique, that is special that is different.

Can we say that, it is okay that you think this for it will serve its purpose and yet there is a deeper reality, a current that runs underneath was is apparent. For your perceptions are acquired through experience, through your own interpretations of what has occurred. Even though your version of the past may be tainted, because there is another reality, a truth, that can be difficult to acknowledge, to see, to believe.

Can you expect the best? It seems so simple and yet there are many who find this concept difficult, for you have come to believe you are not worthy of great riches. It does not serve you to remain hidden, to keep your talents to yourself. What purpose is there in this? None. There is much joy to be shared and this is how it is. Joy happens when you allow the energy to flow — from nature to yourself, to yourself to others, there is a movement. When you stop yourself from moving forward you impinge on this flow of energy. You would not want to be responsible for this - to stop the flow of joy - no. Instead, can you allow this energy to flow through you. What would happen if it did? Can you allow this to happen? You can, but will you. Accept your life as it is plain before you. It in the way of the world for it to arrive for, you to notice. Encourage those around you to do the same —to get on with their lives. Just do it!  We are not here to pat you on the back. We are here to give you that push that you need.

Time is moving in a way to nurture your journey. Indeed there is time for you to make these decisions, to come to this realization before time ceases. Time here will continue to expand, contrast, slow down, speed up, it is the way. You can utilize the time given you wisely or you can squander this gift. Give yourself credit what you have done so far, but also give yourself credit for what you still can do while you are here. You have moved into that stage of maturity of growth of knowing what you have come to do. Let’s do it together! It is more fun that way you know.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Message for 2015

The Council
Through Heather Scavetta
Message for 2015
December 31, 2014

Absolve yourselves of what you think you did not accomplish thus far. You are on the right path to rediscover that part of you that is eternal, that is changeless, that is not of time. In this discovery, you will attempt new things, new ideas, new ventures, but in the end you will come to understand that all circumstances are transient and ultimately will bring to you what you need to grow, to understand, to heal.

Even if you are not aware that you are more, there will come a time when you are tired — when you lay down your arms. In these moments, there is a great potential for clarity. Do not fight these down times, these quiet times, for they are rich in opportunities to look at yourselves from a new clarity of perception. Without these times of quiet, you will find yourself running from this, to that, and ultimately will come to that point where you are standing still, not allowing yourself to expand. 

Within the framework of the world, there is much to learn about humanity and how we all fit together to achieve the highest purpose of life. If you do not know what this higher purpose is, then it behooves you to search, to seek, to find, a higher meaning to your existence. When you know what this higher purpose is, you will no longer seek, and instead you will settle in to an energy of comfort, of knowing.

You cannot hurry the process, and so, be kind to yourselves, and lay down all judgment for this will only hinder your progress by bringing about feelings of unworthiness and frustration. Instead, can you fill yourselves with love, kindness, and compassion to yourself first. For you cannot truly understand what this entails unless you give it to yourself first. Set aside the words and look deep within to this truth we are sharing with you now. It is an experience of trust in knowing that you had the answers all along. Indeed, you never left our side. Indeed, you never left your loved ones. Indeed, you never left home.